About Us
Dick Bedlington Farms offers Limited Generation Seed Potatoes available from Generation 1 through 4. We offer different grades of seed potatoes for sale in bulk or sack. Please check our variety list as it changes with the market demands. We also broker other varieties of certified seed potatoes and if you are not able to locate the seed you’ve been looking for, we may know where to find it.

Pure Potato
Pure Potato is a Limited Generation Seed Farm producing disease-free seed potato stock since 1987.
This process starts under a microscope in the lab. New varieties are continually cleaned up using an incubator for heat treatment. Therapy protocols and meristem are used to eliminate any diseases and bacteria. Disease-tested tissue culture plantlets are grown to create PreNuclear minitubers in the greenhouse. These are multiplied in the field during the following growing seasons.
Every year new seed plantlets are started. This constitutes a “flush-out” program in the later generations to ensure the cleanest, disease-free seed possible for our customers. Seed potatoes may be purchased in Generation 1 or Generation 2 seed potatoes. Contracts to grow seeds can be made for privately owned potato varieties as well as the standard varieties.